Test Included
CBC with ESR
Blood Sugar(Fasting & PP)
Blood Group
Liver Profile
Kidney Profile (S.urea, Creatinine, Uric acid)
Lipid Profile
Urine Routine
Stool Routine
X-ray chest
USG Whole Abdomen
Consultations :
Physician, Eye

General Instructions
- It is preferable that an appointment is scheduled for the Health Checkup. This will ensure that waiting time is kept to a minimum.
- To make an appointment, please call on hospital numbers between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
- You are requested to reach at 9:00 am to facilitate the smooth process of your check-up.
- The approximate time required for the completion of the entire package is around 1-6 hours (depending on the package opted for).
- Additional tests, investigations, procedures and consultations can be arranged on request or if required.
- You are requested to bring samples of your urine and stool when you come for the check-up. Containers for samples are available at the Main Reception. Alternatively, these can be purchased from any pharmacy
- If you are wearing lenses, please remove these two days prior to the Health Check-up.
- Wear loose clothing and easily removable footwear.
- Remove all jewelry (necklaces, bangles, rings and anklets).
- Bring all your earlier medical records with you.
- Bring medical accessories like glasses hearing aid, if you use.
Special Instructions
- Low fat diet on the previous night and minimum of 12 hours fasting is essential prior to the check-up. You may drink water, but abstinence from alcohol at least 12 hours prior to the check-up is mandatory.
- Men are requested to shave their chest for ECG and Treadmill Test.
- Please stop medications that slow down the heart rate, such as Atenolol and Diltiazem, 24-48 hours prior to the check-up.
- If you are diabetic, avoid taking your insulin injections or anti-diabetic tablets in the morning, prior to the check-up. Please carry your insulin injection or anti-diabetic tablets with you, these can then be had before or after your breakfast in the hospital. Other regular medications can be taken as instructed by the doctor. Please carry all your regular medication with you.
- Certain tests like X-Ray, BMD and Mammography are not conducted during pregnancy.
- PAP smear test is not conducted during menstruation
- Mammography is not conducted immediately before/during menstruation. It’s advisable to schedule the same 1 week after cycle.
- Avoid using any powder or perfume on the day the test is scheduled.
- Underarms must be shaved.
- Mammography is not conducted if you are lactating.
- All payments to be made by cash / credit card.
- An Authorization letter from your company is required to avail of services paid for by the company.